Monthly Archives: October 2012

Hey girl, send me a pic ;)

Two weeks ago I met quite an impressive man. In the short amount of time we spent together when we met, I felt like he brought out a better side of me. We were strangers, attracted to each other and ended up having a two hour conversation (sober and mid-day). It was obvious to the both of us that we were going to meet again. He took down my number, we said goodbye and both went on with our busy schedules.

And I felt great. Taking on all my work with a new-founded energy. I thought of how interesting and refreshing my conversation with this beautiful stranger was and was excited to hear from him.

I received a text the next day. It went something around the usual . . . “very nice to meet you, how’s your day so far?” Next text went something like . . . “at the gun range sniper training, thought of you, this would be something cool for you to try.” So I’m thinking this guy is totally cute (and manly!), right? But the excitedly, anxious feelings ends there. He follows with “Send me a pic.”

I literally projected vomit.

This exact thing happened a little before with another guy I met. The former said “Send me a photo!!”

Again, projectile vomit.

This whole photo request phenomena is disgusting. Actually, I don’t really understand the motives behind it. Did he forget what I looked like and needed a refresher? Did he want a casual picture of me or expect one that’s sexually suggestive? Wanted to check the goods out before meeting up? Wanted to jack off before that meet? What to show to his friends?

To be frank, I really don’t care about the motive. The request makes the sender instantly look grossly pervy, incredibly superficial and screams trying to fuck. A. I definitely am not taking it as a compliment. B. You killed my interest.

And may I add, both these men were exponentially older than me, so the perviness sort-of even doubled, which resulted in even more vomit.

This player-type guy I knew lived by the quote, “A man only goes as far as a woman lets him.” So when I think about how these guys think it’s acceptable for the sleazy request, I always think there must be some girls out there sending them back the pictures. Great, I’m in this pool of women that are way too eager to send out sexy pictures of their bodies, hoping for a 😉 back.

No. I cannot deal with this. I feel like this sort of perspective ages me, as if having dignity, self-respect and value gentleman ness is a thing of the past. And it’s not even like I’m a prude! Just firmly oppose to the “too strong, too soon, one track minded” perv. Not a good look.

I’d advise men to try keeping their image in tact and impress the lady. If you want something to jack off to, why don’t you keep her pure and go logon to your wifi, and I have a number of sites I can suggest to help you with that problem.

And I’d advise woman to stop allowing men to think this behavior is acceptable. I know there are a lot of girls out there that like to “sext” and that’s fine, whatever floats your boat. But it’s definitely not cool when the relationship begins this racy. Where do you go from there? He’s already thought about your sexually (that’s natural), has pictures of you of your choosing (which he, and potentially the world, has access to forever), he probably was very satisfied by the picture and now calls you “Sexy” and sends a lot of suggestive texts and an infinite amount of ;)s. Where does it go from there? Where’s the mystery? The courtship? The respect?

By the way, here’s a close up of the picture I sent. It’s adorbs and killed me!

Every day channeling the beautiful Brigitte Bardot

Stopping Beating the Poor Guy/Girl like a Dead Horse!

By no means did I create this blog with the intention of offering dating advice. Heaven knows that I could use all the dating advice I could get, but then again, I kind of do enjoy my love life being a little chaotic. However, I need to get this off my chest.

If your said love interest never acknowledges your invitations to move things to a different level, then sorry my dear friend, drop it and move on.

Sounds obvious enough, don’t you think? But apparently, people still stubbornly (hi Delusional!) remain to stay irrationally hopeful. “Hmm, maybe he/she is really busy. Yes, that’s why I have yet to receive an answer back. I only asked through text, Facebook wallpost, individual Facebook photos comments, and reminded her bestfriend of how said-love-interest gave me a boner five years ago by just watching him/her dance. I bet she put in a good word in for me. Hmm, let’s try Facebook messenger too, just in case you know, he/she is sooooo busy and accidentally overlooks all the other means of communication to I used to secure dinner plans.

Honey, drop it. You know the saying, “Don’t stick your dick into Crazy.” Well, in this scenario, YOU’RE being the crazy.

For whatever reason, they’re just not feeling you. I know, I know, you think, “We’ll if only they give me the chance, I can show them how great I am.” Trust me, I’ve been there, everyone’s been there. But if this said person is blatantly ignoring you, show signs of self-awareness and dignity and let that baby be!

If in the end, the thought of never being able to court, or at least test them out in bed a few times, tears your precious little heart to shreds, you can always use this little pick-me-up/taste of reality: If he misses you, he’ll call. If he wants you, he’ll say it. If he cares, he’ll show it. And if not, he can’t be worth your time because you’re obviously not worth his.

The horse is dead, leave it alone.